I'm sort of back!

  • Saturday, June 04, 2011

Where did those two recent posts come from? Yes, I've been remiss with this blog. November of 2010 and then May 2011! What have I been doing all this time, you ask? Well, life has sort of taken over. I've got a job. The house calls for attention! And it's spring! And I know that the dried mangoes are the reason why I can't get rid of this muffin top.

But I've gotten back to reading, or rather, I'm going to start blogging again.

In the meantime, are you a Harry Potter fan? My daughter is a total diehard and she's started with writing fanfic (fan fiction), so if you'd like to support her reading-writing attempts (pretty good one!), hop on over to Muggle Net Interactive, get yourself inside Flourish and Blotts and check out her story The Other Potter Boy. What do you think of Harry having a brother???

It costs 2 galleons (not real money -- it's all fictional money but it teaches kids about royalties). Thanks for checking this out!

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© guiltless readingMaira Gall