Friday 56 & Book Beginnings + giveaway: The Lieutenants Whistle

For Book Beginnings:
The railroad car swayed and the wheels clattered along the tracks. 
- p. 1, The Lieutenant's Whistle by Fred Stemme
Jingles moaned. "Damn! Those boches are beatin' hell out of Verdun. They've been at it all night!"
p. 56,  The Lieutenant's Whistle by Fred Stemme

Boches? A derogatory term for Germans {see: here} I learn something new everyday!

Do you enjoy historical fiction? I definitely enjoy my occasional historical fic fix (hey, I should patent that!). If you do too, then it's your lucky day! Author Fred Stemme is giving away one copy of The Lieutenant's Whistle and this open worldwide ... just keep reading to the end! 

Don't forget to check out Fred Stemme's Guest Post (my first one I ever hosted!)

Synopsis of The Lieutenant's Whistle: Before America's entry into World War I, The American Field Service organized to help bleeding France. In thankfulness for France's aid during the Revolutionary War, young American males volunteered as ambulance drivers to repay their country's debt. Henry 'Hoop' Braddock is one such man. He and the boys of Section Two drive Model T ambulances, and are 'En Repos,' a unit awaiting assignment. One day, in a crowded, smoke-filled canteen in Bar-le-Duc, Hoop meets Kyla Laurens, a Scottish nurse. Her violet-colored eyes burn into his heart, branding him. As fate would have it, Hoop and Kyla end up serving at the same chateau-turned-hospital while the bloody battle to save Verdun ensues. At first, Hoop has precious little time to spend with Kyla due to the German attack. Instead, his time is spent driving his ambulance, all the while hearing the gruesome and touching detailed accounts of the fighting from injured soldiers riding in his cab. But later, once the pressure is off, a romance between Hoop and Kyla begins to flourish. Yet will experiences from Kyla's past prove fatal to their relationship?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

© 2025 guiltless readingMaira Gall