Foodies Read 2013

In the blogosphere, I was a foodie before a bibliophile so my heart has a special place for foodie reads. When I saw there was a challenge for foodie reads, what a no-brainer for me!

Go check out the details here.

I have a few foodie reads posted on my blog already. If you're thinking of joining this challenge, you can get some ideas!
For this challenge, I'm going for Short-Order Cook which means 1-3 books for the year. I'll see how it goes and maybe graduate to Pastry Chef (4-8 books). 

My tentative list is:
  • The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan - because it's been on my TBR forever
  • French Kids Eat Everything by Karen Le Billion - I saw this in a bookstore and think it's fantastic that it addresses children's eating habits. Also by some weird freak of the blogosphere, Karen Le Billion actually follows my food blog.
  • Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver - because I adore Kingsolver and again, this has been on my TBR for ages
And my alternates:
  • Something by Anthony Bourdain?
  • Or one of my existing cookbooks?
  • Maybe something fiction. Any ideas?
I'm really excited for this challenge! I may just become a Pastry Chef!

© 2025 guiltless readingMaira Gall