I'm linking up my confessions to "Lets Discuss" hosted by Oh Chrys! and The Fiction Conniption. Don't forget to check out more bookish discussions!
In the whole scheme of the blogging world, I've always felt like such a dinosaur. But if blogging started in the 1990s, well, 2005 is well into the teen years of the blogosphere. I remember being asked in a Book Blogger feature over a Parajunkee's when I started blogging and I was a little aghast at how long it's been.
I started out as a foodie blogger; I wrote about how we (me and my family) got unstuck from our food rut. After all, one needs to eat everyday, right? My tagline was "life is too short for bad meals." I still believe it and we still cook and eat really well, but I just haven't been blogging about it. (My blog is still semi-alive here if you’re curious).
Aside from good food, I also love a good book. Food for the body, food for the soul! Just like my reforming my eating habits, I thought it would be great to push myself out of my comfort zone when it came to my reading fare. So I started sporadically blogging about books starting 2007. This blog has been on and off, and I merged my old reading blog in this one ... but the past year has been pretty consistent. Time flies when you're having fun!
In this fickle world, I don't know where this blog will end up. But for what it's worth, I am loving book blogging and the book blogging community. So on I'll go!