Last week on Guiltless Reading
Happy Sunday everyone! Let's see what's happened over this past week:
is on its second week.
Check out my Notable Reads for the challenge!
Lots of great books with their country, both fiction and non-fiction.
I am hosting a mini-challenge + giveaway
All you have to do is make your own Book Map using Google Maps. Check out my tutorials: Part 1 and Part 2. At the end of the readathon, I'm giving away any book up to $15 from the Book Depository.
The week kicked off with an itsy bitsy teeny weeny #BookmarkMonday

Mortom by Erik Therme is featured on Friday 56 & Book Beginnings
Giveaway (int) ending soon ...

Mortom by Erik Therme is featured on Friday 56 & Book Beginnings
.. and don't forget to check out Erik's Guest Post
and join the international giveaway!
This Booker Prize winner explores the darkness of human character through moral
and ethical dilemmas, a tight, intricate plot and obnoxious
and join the international giveaway!
Book Reviews
I got two reviews done this week, woopee!
A fun middle-grade book, this one has a mystery, some cupcakes and an unexpected twist!
Bookish Events
The Travel the World in Books Readathon - September 1-14is on its second week.
Check out my Notable Reads for the challenge!
Lots of great books with their country, both fiction and non-fiction.
I am hosting a mini-challenge + giveaway
All you have to do is make your own Book Map using Google Maps. Check out my tutorials: Part 1 and Part 2. At the end of the readathon, I'm giving away any book up to $15 from the Book Depository.
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