And just like that, February is over. Here's our monthly wrap-up post for the Read the Nobels 2016 Reading Challenge, the yearly version of the perpetual reading challenge Read the Nobels.
Sign ups... and you can join in!
We had a new sign up this month. Welcome to Tanya of Mom's Small Victories (my lovely co-host of Travel the World in Books)!
Anyone can join in anytime, and all it takes is one book. You can find out the easy-as-pie guidelines and sign up HERE.
Anyone can join in anytime, and all it takes is one book. You can find out the easy-as-pie guidelines and sign up HERE.
Read the Nobels is on social media!
Keep tabs of what's going on at the Read the Nobels on:Posts, book spotlights and reviews
On a personal note. I've finally caught up with my pending reviews so I'm confident that March will see me posting my own reviews. I've read two Nobels so far, Harafish by Naguib Mahfouz and Of Love and Other Demons by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (a re-reread).
Edith over ay Edith's Miscellany wrote a thought-provoking post Writers EnNOBEL-ed and Quite Forgotten which encourages readers alike to explore the literature produced by the laureates. Do you know the Nobel laureates by name? Many are intimidated by the Nobels but it seems there is something for everyone in this immense and somewhat obscure list!
A few reviews this month:
"Dusklands contains two separate stories, seen from a male point of view. [..] The two stories are quite different and I have a little bit of a problem to see how ”they belong”. Maybe they don’t belong at all? The story about the hunting trip is terrible in all its truthfulness, describing how the colonialists saw their environment and the local population. [..] is very well written, exciting and gives an indication of the development in the country. [..] highlights a historical, colonial perspective and mirrors, in an excellent manor, the time it describes." - from the review of Dusklands by J.M. Coetzee by Lisa Ekelof of The Content Reader
The Tree of Man by Patrick White, the Australian Nobel Prize-laureate in Literature of 1973, tells the story of a man who leads just the ordinary life of a hard-working farmer with wife, son and daughter in a changing world. He does what needs to be done and accepts all vicissitudes – joys as well as trials – with apparent stoicism although inwardly he wrestles all his life to reach a deeper understanding and find God. - from the review of The Tree of Man by Patrick White by Edith of Edith's Miscellany
This is supposed to be one of Faulkner's more light-hearted and easy-to-read books [..] Despite its serious topic, it has a subtle humor throughout. The plot tends to be pretty loose and easy to follow. The characters are strong and endearing. Overall, I found the book quite enjoyable and am pleased that I chose this Faulkner book to read, rather that one of his heavier books. - from the review of The Reivers by William Faulkner by Rachel at The Hibernator's Library
Book Spotlights on Nobel-prize winning books read and reviewed on the Read the Nobels blog. Learn a little more about specific books; I'll be featuring them every few weeks here.
Grab the challenge button and help us promote!
Remember, the challenge runs from January 1 through December 31, 2016 so feel free to join in any time during the year. Keeping reading those Nobels!