Little Free Library - adopt one for your neighbourhood!

I am loving the concept of Little Free Library, which is promoting literacy and a community spirit, one little library at a time! Their mission is to top Andrew Carnegie - to build more than 2,510 libraries around the world!

Check out the story of how two friends started up this project, and how the Little Free Library is creating quite a buzz, from Wisconsin to Sacramento to Toronto!

{Sidenote: I am hoping this spreads to the Philippines. But on second thought, those books would disappear in a heartbeat.}


  1. Thanks so much for spreading the word about Little Free Libraries. We're learning a lot from many people who getting involved. Enjoying seeing all these ideas and good folks, too. Best wished, Rick Brooks

  2. Hi Rick - i'm glad i stumbled upon your webpage! It's so inspiring to read about initiatives like this :) All the best for Little Free Libraries!


© guiltless readingMaira Gall