Read in bed! Literally.

Who doesn't like a good bedtime story? This is a different take on reading in bed ...  here's a duvet cover that literally reads like a book! Catch up on your fairytales as 'Bedtime Stories' is printed with the Grimm Brothers’ classic ‘The Sleeping Beauty.’ I wonder what other stories they come up with? 

{The Bedtime Stories* on Etsy}

*Affiliate link


  1. Will bedwetters smudge the letters? :(

  2. haha aloi! this is so cute.
    I want a duvet cover. At the very least to just have for an unused bed in a guest room or something...when I can own a house that is.

  3. Haha, Rise :) That would be quite the problem!

    Aspen, why the unused bed? get one for yourself :P

  4. Absolutely love the bedding. How clever!


© guiltless readingMaira Gall