Tiger Babies Strike Back: How I Was Raised by a Tiger Mom but Could Not Be Turned to the Dark Side by Kim Wong Keltner
Amazon.com: Paperback | Kindle Edition
For Book Beginnings:
We are the survivors of the tap dance brigade, Chinese school and interminable piano lessons. We are frustrated by our parents and spending a small fortune on therapy.
- p. 3 (from ARC, page may change)
For Friday 56:
Shy Allisons of the world, hiding in your Chinese American enclosures, I see you, and you see me. We are two fuzzy creatures, one behind the fence, another out in the meadow. The houses are just beyond, and I wonder if we have an unspoken compact; I won't let anyone know that I saw you, even if I get captured.
- p. 56 (from ARC, page may change)
Synopsis: After Amy Chua's controversial parenting book became fodder for every morning talk show, Kim Wong Keltner wasn't surprised to be asked, Are you a Tiger Mother? Raised by a Tiger Mom herself, Kim wasn't fazed. Instead, she's striking back. Hard. Traversing the choppy seas of American and Chinese traditions, Keltner dives into the difficulties facing women today - Chinese-American and otherwise. At once deeply relevant and playfully honest, Keltner attempts to dispel Chua's myth that all Chinese women are Tiger Mothers and that all parents should rule with an iron fist.Star Wars came to mind with the title! Anyway, I'm reviewing this next week. I figure that could relate -- I'm an Asian mom in Canada. Different but similar. Any thoughts on "tiger moms", folks?
Quick update:
- I've been slacking on my reviews lately ... but don't worry they're coming.
- Don't forget to check out the new giveaway for A Whisper in the Jungle by Kenyan author (and soccer player!) Robert Mwangi.
- Yay, Spring has sprung ... well sort of.