Last week on Guiltless Reading
I guess I need to start accepting that this post marks summer's last hurrah. Summer's come and gone ... are you still in denial mode?

Mortom by Erik Therme
Erik muses on promotional interventions, and is giving away copies of his mystery thriller. The best thing is that it's open international!
Elizabeth of The Book Attict who won a copy of 2 AM at The Cat's Pajamas by Marie-Helene Bertino
Lolli who won a copy of Deadly Errors by Allen Wyler
It's here! Starting tomorrow it's the first ever Travel the World in Books Readathon.
As part of this event, I am hosting a mini-challenge + giveaway.
All you have to do is make your own Book Map using Google Maps.
Get a head start. Check out the tutorials: Part 1 and Part 2.
At the end of the readathon, I'm giving away any book worth up to $15 from the Book Depository (open to all where Book Depository ships).
The #30Authors event kicks off on The Book Wheel tomorrow! I'll let you know who I am hosting ... soon!
General Bookishness
A Mona Lisa flip book.+
#BookmarkMonday that reminds me of squid.
Author Guest Post + Giveaway (int)!

Mortom by Erik Therme
Erik muses on promotional interventions, and is giving away copies of his mystery thriller. The best thing is that it's open international!
Book Review
A collection of short stories with brilliant characterizations of very ordinary people.Giveaway Winners!
Congrats to ...Elizabeth of The Book Attict who won a copy of 2 AM at The Cat's Pajamas by Marie-Helene Bertino
Lolli who won a copy of Deadly Errors by Allen Wyler
Bookish Events
Travel the World in Books Readathon - September 1-14It's here! Starting tomorrow it's the first ever Travel the World in Books Readathon.
As part of this event, I am hosting a mini-challenge + giveaway.
All you have to do is make your own Book Map using Google Maps.
Get a head start. Check out the tutorials: Part 1 and Part 2.
At the end of the readathon, I'm giving away any book worth up to $15 from the Book Depository (open to all where Book Depository ships).
The #30Authors event kicks off on The Book Wheel tomorrow! I'll let you know who I am hosting ... soon!
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I'm looking forward to this readathon!