... are you ready for December?
I can't believe how fast the month has gone by! It's been another full week here. Check it out!
Here's your little piece of sci-fi to light up your reading!
Here's your little piece of sci-fi to light up your reading!
Book review:
The Dunning Man: Stories by Kevin Fortuna
Guest posts:
Peter Schatter on Sex, Love and DNA
Amanda Roberts on From Feast to Famine - Learning to Cook While Abroad
Friday 56 and Book Beginnings:
A Complicated Kindness
Nonfiction November:
Wrap it Up!
New to My TBR
Sci-Fi November:
Lesser Known Kids' Sci-Fi
The Dunning Man: Stories by Kevin Fortuna
Guest posts:
Peter Schatter on Sex, Love and DNA
Amanda Roberts on From Feast to Famine - Learning to Cook While Abroad
Friday 56 and Book Beginnings:
A Complicated Kindness
Nonfiction November:
Wrap it Up!
New to My TBR
Sci-Fi November:
Lesser Known Kids' Sci-Fi
These two giveaways are ending Nov. 30 !
(5 paperbacks, 5 ebooks, open worldwide)
(1 paperback, US/Can)
Anything catch your eye in my week? What are you up to? Do tell!