The Wrap Up!
Love your nonfiction? Nonfiction November is hosted by an awesome bunch of peeps: Kim of Sophisticated Dorkiness, Leslie of Regular Rumination, Becca of I'm Lost In Books and Katie of Doing Dewey.
This is my first year joining and I had a lot of fun. While I have failed miserably getting more nonfiction actually read during this challenge, I sure did score with all the recommendations that kept popping up in everyone's posts ... and I am ready to roll for next year's nonfiction TBR!
The four weekly posts posed some very intriguing questions. Here are all my posts if you missed them:
Week 4: New to my TBR
Week 3: Diversity and Nonfiction
Week 2: Be the Expert/Ask the Expert
Week 1: My Year in Nonfiction
Not quite by design, I had some authors who guest posted:
Amanda Roberts is an American living in China. She came up with her recipe book Crazy Dumplings in an attempt to "codify" her cooking while in a foreign land. Doesn't that cover make you hungry? Why not try some of her recipes?
D.J. Donaldson's book, Louisiana Fever,
is about the Congo
hemorrhagic fever. Having come from a forensic/health background, he feels
compelled to weigh in on the Ebola outbreak.
I'm definitely joining again next year. I have my TBR to deal with! What about you?