Happy Top Ten Tuesday! I thought pulling together this post would be pretty simple but now that I've scaled back on my accepting books for review and am focusing on books I already have, it's been a while since I've gotten anything through mail, or have bought anything. So "just" in actually spans back to last year!
July 14: Last Ten Books That Came Into My Possession (bought, library, review copies)
Sent by TLC Book Tours for review, and just recently reviewed!
I bought this because I was itching to read it. I've read it and I've reviewed it!
The Secret History by Donna Tartt (linked to Friday 56)
Another book I bought this at the same time as Marie Kondo's book because it's been on my TBR for years. I've read it, enjoyed it, and my review is in progress.I was offered this book for review by the publisher. I loved Klaussmann's first book so I readily said yes!
Jane Austen Cover to Cover by Margaret C. Sullivan (linked to Friday 56)
Received from Quirk Books for review. I'm saving this for Austen in August over at Roof Beam Reader's Blog. Maybe it'll ease me into some Austen and the classics. *fingers crossed*
Doodle Lit by Jennifer Adams and Alison Oliver (linked to Friday 56)
Another one for review through Quirk Books. This is a fun colouring/doodle book infused with the classics and I've been flipping though but have yet to review.
Bought last fall at a fundraiser. Reviewed. Fantastic book!
Another from the fundraiser. Reviewed. Loved it!
Baudolino by Umberto Eco (linked to Book Depository)
Another from the fundraiser. Unread.
The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy (linked to Friday 56)
Another from the fundraiser ... unread ... do I see a pattern emerging here?
More Top Ten Tuesday:
#TopTenTuesdays: Hyped and Unread
Ten (12!) Books About Immigrants
Ten Authors I Adore
Top Ten Characters I'd Like to Check in With
Ten Books I Recently Added to my TBR
Top Ten Books that Blew My Mind in 2014