Austen in August is an annual reading event celebrating one of literature’s greatest writers! This event was inspired by a Twitter conversation that took place four years ago between three founders of The Classics Club. Want to join in? Check out Roof Beam Reader's post!
I've decided to take a challenge that I've been avoiding for the longest time now. If you noticed I do not read or review a lot of classics. The classics intimidate me period.
But I'm taking the bull by the horns and simply just going to read some Austen this August. You'll have to bear with me though, as I'm taking this slowly.
Here's what I plan to read and review. It seems like a good way to dip my feet into some Austen, don't you think.
I am also planning to read either:
I've read one retelling of Sense and Sensibility and that didn't go over very well; it actually annoyed the heck out of me. Methinks the original needs to be read. (I have a niggling feeling that I read this - required? - but unfortunately forgettable.
I've definitely read this and quite enjoyed it. I was still in high school and I haven't picked it up since.
Which of the two books do you think I should read? Is anyone else intimidated by classics like me?
Sidenote: Can you believe it's almost August? I can't. No really, where did the year go?