Quarantine reading and why I don't really hate Libby

  • Monday, July 13, 2020

Hi everyone, I know it's been really quiet here. Lots of things have happened personally in the past year with me, and then COVID-19 happened. I hope you and your loved ones are safe and you continue to be so. 
This blog has been always safe haven for me, and reading and the book blogging continues to be a source of comfort for me. I may not be that active in the community but I love following along (lurking) in the conversations that continue out there. I love the fact that a lot of my contemporaries out there are still quite active and still welcoming more people into the wonderful world of books, reading and blogging.

Like many of you, I've turned to reading to help me with the stresses of life. At the beginning of the pandemic, I couldn't for the life of me focus on a book. I have gotten over that hump and now have turned to rereading a lot of books I have on hand, reading books I haven't gotten to, and ... *heaven forbid* reading e-books!

Consider my Goodreads:

I've got a mix of Filipino reads which I either bought myself in the Philippines or was a gift, a bunch of ebooks I borrowed on Libby through the library, two review copies from publishers. And ... I've re-read these two lovelies, which I didn't bother adding to Goodreads:

  • M is for Magic by Neil Gaiman, which I never reviewed on this blog because I loved it so much
  • Strange Pilgrims by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, whereby my review is inadequate considering that I consider this to be among my all-time GGM favourites

  • Now, on to Libby. Who's Libby, you may ask? She's my new friend, my new shiny toy, and who I don't hate as much as I did when I started with ebooks. When the quarantine happened, this seriously limited my source of books. Libraries were closed and real books were off limits ... with the exception of what I already had on hand. All but the online choices for books ... ebooks!

    I gave ebooks a whirl early on and never really warmed up to them. I still struggle with reading online because I already spend my entire day working on a computer. But I've learned to compromise. And it's opened up a lot of new reading material to me.

    Libby is an app used by my local library so I can borrow ebooks. I'm still getting used to it but I have borrowed six ebooks thus far. I'm also still forming my opinion about it but so far, yay Libby! 

    Have any of you used Libby? What are your thoughts about this app?

    © 2025 guiltless readingMaira Gall