#Bloggiesta Mini-Challenge: Make Your Own Book Map using Google Maps

Bloggiesta is a blogging marathon revolving around ticking off those items on your to-do list and improving your blog while in the good company of other awesome bloggers doing the same thing.

Our awesome mascot Pedro (Plan. Edit. Develop. Review. Organize) is ready to break out the nachos, enchiladas, drinks, mariachi music and whack a pinata or two! It’s nothing short of an awesome fiesta! 

Make Your Own Book Map using Google Maps

Are you ready? There are no prizes for this one except for the finished product ... a spankin' new Google Map featuring your books!

This is my book map. I've put in the settings of most of my reads, with the red marker indicating fiction and green non-fiction. Try clicking on a marker and you'll get a book cover and the link to my review.

Ready? This tutorial comes in two easy parts. If you block off a few hours of time for this, I guarantee you can come up with a basic book map. Just a warning that once you start entering your books, it can get pretty addictive (at least that's what my experience was!)

As a little background, I am a participant of the Travel the World in Books Challenge which recently had its first-ever readathon. The challenge is a "make your own rules" one so I've made mine a perennial challenge, a forever challenge.

I hosted this exact mini-challenge and quite a few people decided to make their own book maps. 

Need some inspiration? Check out the links in THIS POST and you'll see some great ways of mapping your books!

When you're done with your map, leave a comment and a link to your map so we can all see it!

If you have any questions, let me know ... together we can figure it out

Happy travels!


  1. This is so awesome. Have to give it a try. One question: did you restrict the number of books? What if a place has a lot of books associated with it? How does that work?

    1. The restrictions would be yours, Nish. I only have about 100 books in there at the moment but I could keep putting stuff in if I wanted to.

      It doesn't matter that one place has multiple books associated with it. This is Google maps, so you can keep zooming in -- for example I have 3 books set in Manila but I pinpointed the exact streets (some books mention streets or very specific landmarks), you can mark that. So it's just a matter of spacing markers out ...which can go down to the level of individual streets. I doubt that you'll have too many stories like that though.

    2. For my book map - sometimes I'll put the book in the multiple places (if it has multiple locations) and sometimes I'll just put it where it's set mainly.

  2. I really like this idea.

  3. I've been wanting to do a book map for ages. Thanks for putting this together. I don't have time to participate in Bloggiesta this time around, but I will hopefully get to it soon.

    1. No pressure! I had planned to do a book map for some time already. I doubt that I would've done mine if not for the challenge! Once you're ready, it's a breeze!

  4. I love this!!! I like to read a lot of books about people living abroad and I think this would go quite handily on it's page!

    1. You need a book map ;) Look forward to seeing what you come up with!

  5. This is a wonderful idea, I can see it being one of those things I do over time though... trying to do it all at once may drive me crazy. But I love the idea and will add it to my to do list :) Thanks!

  6. I am going to do this! Probably not anytime soon. I have to catch up posting reviews first. And this sounds like a project that could take quite a bit of time. But I definitely want to try it. Thanks!

    1. Thanks for coming by Kim! Honestly, putting together the tutorial took longer than making the map ;)

  7. Thank you Aloi for this mini challenge. Your earlier post inspired me to join Bloggiesta and I created my book map (lots to do there still but still a start - http://myrandrspace.blogspot.com/p/my-book-map.html) .. Always enjoy visiting your blog..

    1. Thanks Lady in Read! A start is all you really need for the book map. Once you have the base set up, it's touch and go :)

  8. I did a map in 2013. I loved doing it :D I skipped it this year because I thought I'd be too darn busy but now I miss having one. I'll have to start fresh in 2015!

    1. I think I was more intimidated with the idea -- it's pretty easy and I find it fun having to figure out what the setting is! 2015 isn't too far off ... ;) Btw, what happened to your 2013 map ... is it still on the blog?

  9. What a fantastic idea! I think I just might do it for 2015!

  10. This was a lot of fun! I only added the books I read that were set in the U.S. because I have an unofficial goal of reading a book from every state. This was a great way to see what states I still have to go!

    Here's my map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zvZlkHG7P7VU.kk6k4X3w4Qx4


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