Ah, Monday, Monday! Did you check out my new round-up of Movember-themed bookmarks yet? You better! I think mustaches are quite fun (probably because I'm not the one growing one)! :)
The past week has been busy on all fronts. But thankfully I finally got a little caught up with my reviews!
I've read:
Memoirs of a Imaginary Friend by Matthew Dicks
This is such a sweet and unusual read, I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did!
I've reviewed:
Black Boogiemen by Tallis Piaget
An intense read about instigating change in black America.
Eight Girls Taking Pictures by Whitney Otto
I'm sort of in love with this one. One of my favourite reads for the year!
I am wrapping up:
Keeping Score by Marc Brackett
Wait for the review this week! This relationship quiz book is so much fun!
Check out some excepts or read Marc Brackett's guest post.
I'm currently reading:
The Book of Madness and Cures by Regina O'Melveny
I've started and stopped this one so many times I am embarrassed to admit it. I won this in a giveaway and even did a Friday 56/Book Beginnings post way back in June. Now I am actually reading it, I wonder why I got so distracted. I'm liking it so far!
The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap by Paulette Mahurin
I haven't had any new books lately. But I did get a PDF* for this one because I found the synopsis so intriguing. It deals with the impact of Oscar Wilde's conviction on a small town in Nevada. I was also having quite some fun chatting with the author over email on this one!
Don't forget to check out my Friday 56/Book Beginnings post. Plus I am hosting Paulette Mahurin's guest post and giveaway within the week ... so don't forget to watch out for this one
(I don't have an e-reader, so I will need to see if I can actually pull this one off by reading on the computer screen. Wish me luck!)
Great reading all around! If you have a post up, leave your link as I'd love to visit. Have a great week!