Here's a quick update for this mini Bloggiesta. It was only two days so I guess it's forgivable that I didn't do everything. Oh well, it's just more for me to do when the full blown Bloggiesta rolls around again!
Masterlist ... a few things done!
Here's what I got done in my Masterlist:Regular Clean-up for each Bloggiesta:
Back up my blog.I honestly think that everyone should do this.- Get up-to-date with my reviews. No luck. I'm still agonizing over a draft at the moment. It was a tough read, I have to give it that!
Update my Book Map with old and recent reads.Yes! I've read so few books this year, this was easy. I entered a few more books for pre-2015 ... getting caught up with the backlog.Clean up wonky posts.I always seem to knock off a few of those!- Read new Bloggiesta posts. Nope. Nada.
- Join mini challenges that I think are fun and useful. Not applicable!
- Host a mini-challenge Not applicable!
- Host a giveaway Not applicable!
- Check out the Twitter feed for #bloggiesta and participate in at least one Twitter chat. I saw the message that went out but I had something going on so I couldn't join in.
- Check out some new templates. Not applicable!
- Rethink my tags for Lots of Bookishness. FAIL. More below.
- Delete unsubstantial old posts. Nope, didn't do a thing.
- Remove anything hotlinked (sorry, I used to do this before, I didn't know any better!). Didn't do a thing.
Tags or Labels or Categories
So the monster is still there but it doesn't seem as horrible a thought anymore. I did get through all the helpful posts below and so have an inkling of what I want to do.For example:
I want to do some major categories. Some of them are obvious already to me. But I'm still trying to get a better sense of where this blog is going which is why I am still pretty ambivalent about committing to categories.
I want to reduce the number of dropdowns in my sidebar. I removed "Award Winning Books" because no one was clicking on that anyway. Way back, I had removed the dropdown "Lots of Bookishness" which had a gazillion bookish tags under it because no one was clicking that either. I haven't missed it since.
I want to group my #TravelTheWorldinBooks by region, similar to how Mom's Small Victories did. That means a little fiddling with my tags.
Amy Lynn Andrews: The difference between categories and tags
Book Bumblings: Categories vs. tags
Book Bumblings: Clean up your post tags
Elembee: Clean up your categories
Overall, I did get a few things done so it's not that bad. The monster has been beaten to submission (sort of) and knowing that I sort of know where to take this is helpful.
How did you do? Comment and leave a link so I can find out ;)