Dewey's 24-hour #Readathon Mini-Challenge: The Ugly Cover Pitch

Oh, so I'm reading my sole book for the readathon and I see this mini challenge over at Shaina Reads

Pick a book that you felt was a winner of a read but was sorely lacking in the cover art department and try to persuade me that it was the best book ever. What greatness will I discover if I can look past its eyesore of an exterior? Leave your pitch in a comment on this post, and be sure to include a link to a picture of the cover!

I love my covers. But some really great books' covers just don't do anything for me. Like these:

Overly literal cover; pained or constipated? Chunkster. As I navigated this novel, I had to stop and breathe at many points. Literally. When I finished, I didn't pick anything else up, if only to just soak up and realize how beautifully tragic and real this book was. Amazing read: Dark, realistic, disturbing, epic. Read it if you dare.

Ugly pig-out cover. But I loved this memoir! This is special -- read it! It will make you realize just how precious our family members are, with all their quirks and their faults. It will make you realize how fleeting and forgetful we can be of our family histories if we fail to capture the stories told orally.  

Generic cover ... yawn. This is a tragedy and an illumination of self-identity tied in to the symbol of the veil. I highly recommend this for those who enjoy multicultural stories and those who are looking for a better understanding of the pressures modern women face within traditional cultures. This is such a satisfying read and makes my favourites for the year.

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