I've had a huge crush on Creative Mamma since I came across her website years ago! While the above aren't technically bookmarks, I think you can print them out and cut them up in threes to make bookmarks -- great to stuff in books you're giving out as gifts!
The printable art above is part of Creative Mamma's free printable Christmas activity kit. You can go get it for free here! Whether you use these as bookmarks or enjoy the entire activity kit, I know these kawaii goods will definitely put a smile on your face.
Thanks, Creative Mamma!
#BookmarkMonday is a weekly meme that started in 2009. If you've got a bookmark to share, post about it on your blog and leave a message below. It's so much fun discovering new bookmarks! If you'd like to post on the #BookmarkMonday Pinterest Board, shoot me an email at readerrabbit22 at gmail.com and I'll add you as a contributor.