Well it was mini! I'm wrapping up my @Bloggiesta + find out who won Inbox Zero mini challenge!

Can you believe it? This year's mini Winter Bloggiesta has come and gone once again!

Who won? (I know you wanna know, so I'm doing this first!)

I love it when a mini challenge actually is useful to someone ... or in this case someones. With the Inbox Zero mini challenge, six brave souls decided to have a go at their inboxes and I am pumped that the mini challenge spurred some action and resulted in some cleaner Inboxes!

Carey at Carey Reads not only got to Inbox Zero on her blog email (which is Gmail), she also decided to tackle her work email! He work email is Outlook so she's taken what she can take from the tutorial and Outlook-ified it.

Emily at Emily Reads Everything had already set up her system last year, but she needed to get some filing done. And done it is ... all 120 emails!

Tressa at Wishful Endings adapted the tutorial for her Outlook account and she's pared down her 2000+ emails to 10, which she responded to right away... and that makes ZERO.

Andi at Estella's Revenge seemed such a "slacker" (hear my voice dripping with loving sarcasm). She said:
Tanya at Mom's Small Victories says she cleaned out 6000 emails. Amazing! But OMG wait, she is still at it with the 11,000 remaining. Chin up, Tanya, you can do it!

Stacy at The Novel Life tried Unroll.me to unsubscribe from over 200+ subscriptions, and she got fantastic results:

For those of you who started but never got around to linking up, that's ok too. I know that this is a work-in-progress so the real test is using the system for a few months, and of course tweaking and further customizing it to work for you.

I had a hard time deciding who won, so I left it totally to chance, the old fashioned way, using my "see no evil, hear no eveil, speak no evil" tea cup ...

And now, the winner of $10 worth of digital pretties from luvly.co is ... drumroll please .... Congrats, CAREY!!!

Regular clean-up

Back up my blog. Done. I also backed-up Read the Nobels. I am making it a habit to upload the xml files on Google Drive instead of just keeping it on my hard drive.

Back up my template. A new addition to this list - I was in the back-end of Blogger anyway, so I grabbed the code of my template and uploaded it on Google Drive.

Get up-to-date with my reviews. Ay yay yay. This is a mini Bloggiesta so, this doesn't count :) I did manage to finish one (of many) reviews I had to do - go check out my review of the heartwrenching Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay.

Update my 
Book Map with old and recent reads.  I`m up to date but I did a bit of cleaning up and I started alphabetizing the book titles and dividing the map layers up by year.

Clean up wonky posts.

I cleaned a few up again - uploaded a few images that weren't appearing, took down a few old posts with dead links. Definitely one of those ongoing things to just keep doing.

Read new Bloggiesta posts. I visited a few blogs linked up and left comments here and there. I was supposed to discover 10 new blogs but I was away (unplanned) for most of Saturday and Sunday and didn't have as much time as I'd like. Oh well, there is always a next time!

Join mini challenges that I think are fun and useful.  I wanted to do them all, especially the bullet journalling one by Emily Reads Everything, but got to only two:
  • Clean your Gmail. Yeah, yeah, I know this is my challenge. I'm set up already and am at Inbox Zero. However I did action a few of my Action Items.
  • Keeping Your Info Private (by Tasha from Truth, Beauty, Freedom and Books) - Fantastic post that I read through. I think this topic merits some more thought and maybe some checklists in the future.

More ...

Host a mini-challenge. Done

Host a giveaway
. Done

Check out the Twitter feed for #bloggiesta and participate in at least one Twitter chat.
A miracle! I made it to the Twitter chat and it was so much fun connecting with your lovely folks. I've followed quite a number of new people (or for some odd reason, bloggers I knew but weren't following). I still have to get the hang of the whole Q1 A1 tagging ... and trying to answer all the individual comments .... ahh, but one Twitter chat at a time!

I got distracted on the weekend so not everything got checked off. But overall, another productive Bloggiesta and I know that I've got plenty more to do in the next week-long one.

How was your Bloggiesta?

© 2025 guiltless readingMaira Gall