Finally ... got a beta account in Pottermore!

It's Day 3. Have you found the Magical Quill yet? I did not put the daughter up to it - she has been verrry keen on getting a beta invite since day 1 of the announcement. She figured out the time differences and woke up at 4 am (yes 4 am!) so she could register for a beta invite. 

And ... she finally got in! *happy dance* And being the smart girl I raised her to be, she registered herself, and me! 

I'm impatiently awaiting the welcome email. More after the jump!
Can you believe that some rather enterprising people are preying on rabid fans and are actually starting to sell beta invites on Ebay!? Gah! This is supposed to be fun! My advice: go to the Pottermore Insider Official Blog where they give more info about the Magical Quill Challenge, as well as the release the times for the upcoming clues:

My only gripe would be that you can't outright choose your username - Pottermore presents you a few choices. I ended up becoming "feathergalleon" ... but it's kind of growing on me :)

Anyway, daughter rightfully earned a long nap. We'll keep you posted on more Pottermore!


© guiltless readingMaira Gall