TarGetBooks Shelf by Mebrure Oral

  • Sunday, December 18, 2011

Quite the statement piece, right? Kind of like a queue of books for reading ... this is done ... next ...

My only complaint would be that this is waaaay too small a shelf. Can you imagine your TBR on the right side of the shelf? Maybe they can design a multi-level one?


  1. I like it but it is way too small. Mayber it could be used for the books you are planning to read in the very near future and then those you've read and need to review.

  2. i agree. it's tiny! good idea you have there - but the To Be Reviewed pile is getting there for me too :)

  3. nice shelf but yes, it is a little too small.. :)

  4. I agree with you all as my TBr pile is humongous , I just had to go out and buy a new bookshelf to fit all the books on. Check out my site for an awesome set and bookshelf , it was perfect and is on my wish list. Though wiould probably be cheaper for someone to build than to purchase it at 5 1/2 grand


© guiltless readingMaira Gall